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Jeff Kennon Posts

The Simplicity of Life & A Slip ‘N Slide


Several years ago, I remember sitting on my back porch and watching my twin boys play with, along with destroy, a newly purchased slip’n slide. For me, the simplicity of life was no where better captured than in watching them have fun on an overpriced piece of plastic.

Though we have advanced technologically beyond any of my childhood dreams (I think on my block growing up, slip’n slide was as techonoligical as we got), I don’t think it’s possible to improve on getting some kids together on a hot summer day with a water hose and a slippery piece of plastic.

Now for those who have not experienced the slip’n slide experience, you might be thinking, “What more can you do except just slide?” Well, let me inform you!

Though the basic premise of slip’n slide is to slide, it’s more than that. For instance, you don’t just slide, but see how far you can slide, how many ways you can slide (ie. frontwards, backwards, sideways, etc…), how fast you can slide, how wet you can get, how muddy you can get (don’t ask how this happens), how much water you can put on the mat, and any other game or competition anyone slip’n and slide’n can create.

The reason I believe in the beauty of a slip’n slide on a hot summer day is not just because it brings back memories for me personally, but because of the creativity and comradory that such a piece of plasctic in a backyard creates. As I watched my boys, I was amazed at how many different games and challenges that created that afternoon.

So many times in our culture, I feel that we are overly entertained. We have become numb to the simplicity of just sitting and enjoying a cool breeze on a summer day. Granted we might enjoy a cool breeze, but only as we sit with our iPhone checking email or news updates every few minutes.

I think we also can bring such overly entertained attitudes into our worship life as well. We no longer know how to be still or to be unplugged from email, text messaging, Facebook, and Twitter. I am not against any of these things. In fact, I use them daily. But I pray that I am aware of how they shape me. I sometimes wonder if technology is making us less human.

I know we can’t necessarily abandon technology, nor do I think we should. It is of great benefit to us. But for me personally, it does me good to occasionally take my Bible, along with a pen and a notebook, and find a quiet place to just sit and think and fellowship with my Creator.

My kids have video games and they enjoy playing them, but I really enjoyed watching them on the slip and slide that day. I really saw their personality and their ingenious minds at work. Though I do enjoy technology, I think for that summer day a few years ago, the slip’n slide was the best invention ever.


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Evangelistic Culture VS Evangelistic Programs


Mack Stiles, in a current blog post for Crossway Books, wrote about 10 Things You Should Know About Evangelism. I found a couple of his points worthy of discussion.

1. Evangelistic programs will kill evangelism.

We need to replace evangelistic programs with a culture of evangelism. Programs are to evangelism what sugar is to nutrition: a strict diet of evangelistic programs produces malnourished evangelism. So, we should feel a healthy unease with regard to evangelistic programs. We must use them strategically and in moderation, if at all.

2. Evangelism flourishes in a culture of evangelism.

Much instruction is given about personal evangelism. And that’s right and good since we’re each called to testify to our own personal encounter with Jesus. But when people are pulling together to share the gospel, when there is less emphasis on getting “a decision,” when the people of God are pitching in to teach the gospel together, a culture forms that leads us to ask “Are we all helping our non-Christian friends understand the gospel?” rather than “Who has led the most people to Jesus?”

For Stiles, developing a culture of evangelism is much better than relying upon programs. And I might add that developing a culture is much harder.

Programs tend to be events or campaigns that come and go. It is true that they can serve as catalysts for developing a culture of evangelism, but many times, when the program ends, so does the evangelism. It’s out of sight, out of mind.

A culture of evangelism however, is one which is woven into the very fabric of a body of believers. It is not a special emphasis that is announced every now and then, but is something that is as natural as breathing.

A culture of evangelism is an everyday activity. It belongs to everyone wherever they may be. And it’s not always about the spectacular, but about the ordinary. Tim Chester writes that “most people live in the ordinary, and most people will be reached by ordinary people.”

So what do you think? Programs or culture? Or is there a balance?




Grace Is Hard For Us To Understand


Brennan Manning writes:

Our culture has made the word grace impossible to understand. We resonate to slogans such as:

“There’s no free lunch.”

“You get what you deserve.”

“You want money? Work for it.”

“You want love? Earn it.”

“You want mercy? Show you deserve it.”

“Do unto other before they do it unto you.”

“Watch out for welfare lines, the shiftless street people, free hot dogs at school, affluent students with federal loans, it’s a con game.”

“By all means give others what they deserve–but not one penny more.”

But Jesus saves us not because of anything we have done but because of what He has done. We are saved by grace, not merit.

You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.  Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:6-8).

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The Miraculous Clothed In The Ordinary


Jesus is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and yet…

  • He was born in a stable.
  • His first guests were not dignitaries but shepherds.
  • He grew up in an obscure town which many people did not expect anything good to emerge.
  • His family, at one point, thought he was insane and did not believe in him.
  • His closest friends did not understand the heart of his mission.
  • One of his friends stole from their common purse and betrayed him.
  • One of his friends denied even knowing him.
  • Shortly after Jesus had washed his disciples feet, some of them argued about who was going to be the greatest.
  • He grew tired.
  • He went without food and became hungry.
  • He had no place to lay his head.
  • He suffered humiliation, rejection, and severe physical pain on the cross.

The miraculous was clothed in the ordinary!

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Around The Web


“One anothers” I can’t find in the New Testament – Sanctify one another, humble one another, scrutinize one another, pressure one another, embarrass one another, corner one another, interrupt one another, defeat one another, sacrifice one another, shame one another, judge one another, run one another’s lives, confess one another’s sins, intensify one another’s sufferings, point out one another’s failings . . . .

Fasting From Technology – Fasting is, of course, an ancient practice, but in the past fifty years or so it has been applied more and more to electronic devices, from the radio to the smart phone.

Making Friends, But Not Disciples – The term “evangelism” gives many Christians the willies. We immediately think of canned presentations that seem stiff and unnatural. We are paralyzed by the thought of knocking on a stranger’s door and talking about Jesus.

The Worst Places in The World to Be Religious – Since 1999, the U.S. State Department has tracked the world’s worst abusers of religious rights. As the most recent report notes, it has never lacked for material. Persecutions of people of faith are rising across the globe.

The 10 Least Popular Books of the Bible – How familiar are you with these books of the Bible?

Why Do Asian-American Students Outperform Their White Peers? – At least academically, it’s an incontrovertible fact that Asian-Americans outperform their white peers (and every other ethnic group). But why such dominance?

A Great Commencement Speech by a Former Navy Seal

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Just $3 Worth of Gospel?


I would like to buy about three dollars worth of gospel, please. Not too much–just enough to make me happy, but not so much that I get addicted. I don’t want so much gospel that I learn to really hate covetousness and lust. I certainly don’t want so much that I start to love my enemies, cherish self-denial, and contemplate missionary service in some alien culture.

I want ecstasy, not repentance; I want transcendence, not transformation. I would like to be cherished by some nice, forgiving, broad-minded people, but I myself don’t want to love those from different races–especially if they smell.

I would like enough gospel to make my family secure and my children well behaved, but not so much that I find my ambitions redirected or my giving too greatly enlarged. I would like about three dollars worth of gospel, please.

D.A. Carson, Basics for Believers, p. 13

So what do we do to get more than just $3 of gospel? First of all, I don’t think it means trying harder or doing more. Tullian Tchividjian writes that the “hub of Christianity is not ‘do something for Jesus.’ The hub of Christianity is ‘Jesus has done everything for you.'”

Second, I don’t believe getting more than $3 of gospel is just a one time fix. I think it is something we do daily by reflecting upon the truth of what God has done for us in Christ. Paul writes that he made him [Jesus] to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:21).

Getting more than $3 worth of gospel therefore, is daily realizing the extravagance of the grace of God and allowing such grace to transform all of who we are.

Grace is far more powerful than law. The law only gives us a checklist of do’s and don’t’s. If we do them all, we are accepted. And many times, as our lists get longer and longer, our motivation to keep up gets weaker and weaker.

This is not so with grace. Grace is not about us living up to a set of expectations but about us trusting in one who met all the requirements for us. Grace is about being loved due to the goodness of the one who loves.

We must embrace the reality that we do not deserve salvation from God. Nor can we do anything to earn it. It is a gift. It is by grace.

Tchividjian writes that such grace “has the unique power to inspire generosity, kindness, loyalty, and more love, precisely because it removes any and all requirement to change or produce.” It is “the most dangerous, expectation-wrecking, smile-creating, counterintuitive reality there is.”

As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath.

But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.  

Ephesians 2:1-5

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Knowing The Culture Around Us


Do we know the culture around us? Do we know our neighborhood, it’s people, and their stories, values, and worldview?

Tim Chester believes we should be asking ourselves the kind of questions missionaries ask when they enter a new culture. In doing so, we are better able to understand those around us and thus meet their needs with the gospel.

Here are the questions he poses…

  • Where are the places and activities we can meet people?
  • Where do people experience community?
  • Are there existing social networks with which we engage, or do we need to find ways of creating community within a neighborhood?
  • Where should we be to have missional opportunities?
  • What are the patterns and timescales of our neighborhood
  • When are the times we can connect with people?
  • How do people organize their time?
  • What cultural experiences and celebrations do people value? How might these be used as bridges to the gospel?
  • When should we be available to have missional opportunities?
  • What are people’s fears, hopes, and hurts?
  • What gospel stories are told in the neighborhood? What gives people identity (creation)? How do they account for wrong in the world (fall)? What is their solution (redemption)? What are their hopes (consummation)?
  • What are the barrier beliefs or assumptions that cause people to dismiss the gospel?
  • What sins will the gospel first confront and heal?
  • In what ways are people self-righteous?
  • What is the good news for people in this neighborhood?
  • What will the church look like for people in this neighborhood?

(from Everyday Church by Tim Chester, 42-43)

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Be Careful Of Succeeding at The Wrong Things


Our greatest fear as individuals and as a church should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don’t really matter.

How scary it would be to finally arrive at the pinnacle of your life dreams and goals only to realize that they amount to nothing.

It would be like thinking you are going on vacation to visit the Grand Canyon only to realize, as your GPS declares “arriving destination,” that you entered in the wrong coordinates.

So what really matters? Paul writes…

I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel, so that it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ. And most of the brothers, having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.

Some indeed preach Christ from envy and rivalry, but others from good will. The latter do it out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. The former proclaim Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely but thinking to afflict me in my imprisonment. What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed, and in that I rejoice.

-Philippians 1:12-18

What Paul most rejoiced in was the fact that the gospel was proclaimed. And for him, that was all that mattered. Why? Because for Paul, the gospel was truly a matter of life and death. It is the gospel that is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes (Romans 1:16).

Consider the words of D.A. Carson concerning this passage…

Put the advance of the gospel at the center of your aspirations. Our own comfort, our bruised feelings, our reputations, our misunderstood motives–all of these are insignificant in comparison with the advance and splendor of the gospel. As a Christian, we are called upon to put the advance of the gospel at the very center of our aspirations.

What are your aspirations? To make money? To get married? To travel? To see your grandchildren grow up? To find a new job? To retire early? None of these is inadmissible; none is to be despised. The question is whether these aspirations become so devouring that the Christian’s central aspiration is squeezed to the periphery or choked out of existence entirely. 

What really matters? Is it not the spread of the gospel?

You must be careful not to succeed at the wrong thing. You must not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect (Romans 12:2).

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